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@Ronnie Chen@Diana Pojar

Data Wrangling at Slack

For a company like Slack that strives to be as data-driven as possible, understanding how our users use our…

@Ryan Huber

Syscall Auditing at Scale

If you are are an engineer whose organization uses Linux in production, I have two quick questions for you: 1)…

@Ayesha Bose

What matters to you, matters to us.

At Slack, we’re focused on delivering big, impactful features, but we’re also dedicated to improving our users’…

@Brenda Jin

Mentorship at Slack

It’s a scene familiar to many tech companies: summer rolls around, and the office is filled with interns who…

@Keith Adams

Taking PHP Seriously

Slack uses PHP for most of its server-side application logic, which is an unusual choice these days. Why did we…

@Melissa Khuat

The Slack Internship

Internships — the training grounds for the professional “real world”. But what exactly does the “real world”…

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